Saturday, August 31, 2019

Computer Science

What are the advantages of using internet? The advantages of using internet are they made our research easier like having some research on your investigatory project. It can also teach us some techniques Like solving the algebraic equations. We can also have faster communication with our love ones with the use of social networking sites Just like, backbone. Skips, twitter, etc. We can also download here some videos, songs and pictures that we want to download, some sort of entertainment. We can also buy here the things we want to have. 2. List some disadvantages of using Internet.Sometimes when downloading some files, you must be careful on It because It sends virus to the computer that may affect the other files In the computer or worst It damages the process of the computer because some sites are having virus. In internet, you can also see some inappropriate contents like porno. We could also plagiarism or steals someone's work, plagiarism. Some users are s sending some unwanted e- mails that could obstruct the computer, spamming. 3. How will you secure yourself from cyber bullying? We can avoid cyber bullying by not replying on someone's if he/she chat on you.We must also choose an appropriate email-address or surname in order that no one could identify your gender, your age and your occupation. Do not make your profile available in the public. Your profile must be known by the people you trust in order that you can avoid some spamming. 4. In your own way, how can you help improve the use of internet? I could help improve the use of internet by deleting/ locking some inappropriate contents. Also by warning to those who spam messages. Lastly, by making the research much easier by Just typing keywords on your research.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Thomas Hardy’s View on Time

In hardy's poems time is not constant or limited by a forward direction of time passing nor the vertical view of time. time is a landscape or location upon which we view the different vantage points and aspects of it, and consequently he has given locations the characteristics of time. The journey through locations is constant and forward moving but as in time you can access memories but revisiting them in your mind, or in hardy's sense, by revisiting the location. ou are not locked in time as you are in reality, hardy rewinds time as he chooses and sees what he saw at any period in his life but only when at the location. This comes through in â€Å"after a journey† when hardy revisits a cave and the echo from his previous visit their still remained, as if no time had passed, â€Å"and the cave just under, with a voice still so hollow that it seems to call out to me from forty years ago† Hardy's subconscious is so active that by revisiting a place, any memories from the re reawaken and occupy the scene.In the first stanza of ‘where the picnic was' we are in hardy's memory at the early stages of assumedly Emma and hardy's marriage, when the ‘fire' was still young and strong in their relationship. Hardy is describing a place they went in the summer time. towards the end of the stanza we are indicated that there has been a change and time is allowed to show what is in front of him then juxtaposition is introduced and we are rapidly in this new, dull and derelict scene but the location has not changed.The time jump shows where hardy really is in his life journey. Reminding him that can although he can see all these different vantage points of a landscape there is always on true outcome the present giving time a personality and the ability to ridicule. This relates to â€Å"after a journey† where   Time is personified â€Å"despite Time's derision† time is given a character that in a way as if to taunt Hardy for wanting so mu ch to access old layers of time . Emphasising that time has the ultimate power and control and can not be completely defied

Thursday, August 29, 2019

capital punishment Essays (1266 words) - Human Rights, Free Essays

Capital Punishment The death penalty, also known as capital punishment, has been abolished in most modern first world societies, but not all. There is much debate as to whether it is right for countries like the United States to continue to use this type of justice, and if it is an efficient way to fight crime. However, there are many arguments as to why there is no place for the death penalty in a civilized society and that it is not an effective way of stopping crime. A justice system which is based on rehabilitation is far more effective in reducing violent crime than a strictly punishment system that includes a death penalty; this can be seen clearly when comparing Canada?s to the U.S.A?s crime rate. Not only is the death penalty ineffective at lowering crime rate, it also costs taxpayers more than imprisoning someone for life, contrary to popular belief. In addition to the previously stated problems with the death penalty is the fact innocent people are convicted every day; innocent people have an d will continue to be murdered because of wrongful convictions. The ineptitude, cost and chance of wrongfully condemning someone to death are all reasons as to why the death penalty is not the answer to crime and that there should be no place for capital punishment in a civilized society. Many people believe that the death penalty is not an effective solution to violent crime or even an efficient way of decreasing violent crimes. The fact that the death penalty does not deter crime is proven when comparing the homicide rates between Canada and the United States; although homicides are punishable by death in the U.S.A, the rate at which they occur is more than triple that of Canada?s (1.8 per 100,000 in Canada to 5.5 per 100,000in the U.S.A). These numbers reveal that not only does the death penalty not stop murders from happening, but in countries that focus on rehab rather than punishment the homicide rate is lower. Capital punishment makes little if any difference to homicide rates and has not helped countries like the U.S reduce violent crime, making it an obsolete and ineffective form of justice. The inability of the death penalty to prevent, rather than punish murder is just one of many reasons as to why it is the wrong answer for how to serve justice. The death penalty has been and will continue to be argued from a moral, ethical and legal perspective. However, some countries have abolished this practice for one simple reason: money. Although most people believe that it would cost less to execute convicts rather than give them a life sentence, it is actually the opposite; life in prison is in fact cheaper than sentencing someone to death. An audit into the cost of death penalties in Kansas counted death penalty case costs up to the execution and found that the median death penalty case costs $1.26 million. Non-death penalty cases were counted till the end of incarceration and were found to have a median cost of $740,000. For death penalty cases, the pre-trial and trial level expenses were the most expensive part, 49% of the total cost. The investigation costs for death-sentence cases were about 3 times greater than for non-death cases. The trial costs for death cases were about 16 times greater than for non-death cases with $508,0 00 for death case and $32,000 for non-death case. This audit of the Kansas justice system reveals that it not the actual execution but the trials leading up to the executions that cost the most. The extremely high cost of executions compared to a cheaper alternative that ensures the same result (crime cannot be committed while someone?s in prison) demonstrates why the death penalty should no longer be used. Some wrongful convictions are inevitable in all justice systems. In most cases when the victims are found to be innocent they are compensated somehow, but if someone is sentenced to death there is no way to make up for that. The fact that an innocent person could be murdered simply because he or she was wrongly convicted is wrong. An example of someone being wrongfully executed is Johnny Frank Garret of Texas who

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Hong Kong's Ocean Park Target Market Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Hong Kong's Ocean Park Target Market - Essay Example Therefore, in its educational and environmental conservation, as well as development of respect for animals and their habitat, the new facility targets students, and other visitors with an interest in environmental and wildlife conservation. The park thus targets people from all walks of life, with its community initiatives. Such initiatives include the admission of Hong Kong’s residents during their birthdays at a concessionary rate (Lau, 2011 p1). Those elderly residents above the age of 65 will also be considered favorably, to enter the park at low charges. People with disability and those under the Comprehensive Social Security Assistance will also be allowed admission at lower charges (Lau, 2011 p3). From this, it is well observed that the target market for the soon to be open Polar adventure park is a wide range of people, from all lifestyles. Its integration of the themes of attraction and entertainment with the themes of education and conservation serves to ensure that all people, both local and foreign, with diverse interests are the aim of the new

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Modern World Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Modern World - Essay Example None of the personalities under discussion vowed to any religious disciplines, and even if they are now thought to belong to orders like Catholicism, as is the case with Mother Teresa and Simone Weil (The Baptism 1), what should be noted is that they never advocated or preached any religious ideologies, but remained strictly outside of the religious circle and concentrated merely on the humanitarian, spiritual, and cultural endeavors. This is the most compelling element of their secularity, and renders arguments such as whether or not Simone Weil was baptized (The Baptism 2) as irrelevant to the case. The humanitarian aspect of Weil’s ideology, and her political work for the trade unions (Bergery); the founding of the Missionaries of Charity in Calcutta by Mother Teresa (Mother Teresa); and the activist efforts of Martin Luther King against the mistreatment of black sanitation workers in Memphis (Dowd), all are ample proofs of the saintly endeavors of these humanitarians, and establishes them beyond doubt as secular saints. The concept of justice in the Greek philosophy, as perceived by Plato but opposed by Socrates is that those in power decide what is just according to what favors them (Hooker).

Monday, August 26, 2019

Organizational Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Organizational Management - Essay Example Similarly they identify a set of category constructs in the transactional leadership also. For instance concentration on the task at hand, short term goals and tactics, confusion concerning causes and symptoms, too much involvement in power relations, politics and statistics, fulfillment of expectations based on readily available systems, reliance on human interrelations and the persistent support for organizational structures, systems and relations. Warren Bennis (1995) holds the view that less hierarchical more democratic institutions with the ability to adapt to the unfolding environment are the best. A competency-based contingency framework or model like this requires a series of sub-level functions or competencies to be outlined as of consequence though such heterogeneous elements which lie outside the functional domain of the manager's/leader's tasks could be avoided with convenience. For example the manager's/leader's common competencies are always inclusively treated in the theoretical framework for the purpose of reference. This is illustrated by the following diagram. The above diagram (Fig. ... ged framework identifies and addresses the management/leadership competencies and issues that correlate with each other to produce an integral system of reference and analysis (Covey, 2004). For instance the vision & mission of the organization are identified with the long term corporate and business goals, irrespective of the size of the business. Such goals or objectives are essentially strategic in nature because they necessitate a degree of dependence on the organizational culture and leadership to bring about the appropriate environmental characteristics to achieve those long term objectives. Theoretical outline of the competency frameworkDavid Kolb's Experiential Learning teaches the manager to take experience as the source of learning (Kolb, 1983). On the other hand the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is based on an evaluation of psychometrics that is designed to assess the different psychological behaviors concerning perceptions and decision making preferences of individuals (Myers, McCaulley, Quenk and Hammer, 1998). The manager/leader is a functionary whose primary function/competency to determine the organizational goals is set out in the mission statement and the annual reports to its stakeholders. Thus organizational goals will have to be achieved by utilizing and organizing the available resources and combining them with people or employees in a manner to maximize both output and minimize costs. Towards this end the manager seeks to combine supplies and provisions and then integrate suppliers and creditors into the whole process of management. Next, he needs t o adopt methods in order to build integrated networks or process for easy control and execution of strategy (Williams, 2002). Leadership theories and teamwork models

Editi a paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Editi a paper - Essay Example As second language teachers we must do our best persistently endeavor to develop those students` the communication and comprehension skills of the students. Successful teachers are those who work so hard to improve themselves continuously strive to improvise in their chosen field - that of teaching imparting training in a second language, by enrolling in different various courses which enable them to of how to teach a second language in the most effective and efficient manner. Teaching a bilingual classroom does not mean is not restricted to teaching children only alone but it also means entails teaching adults too as well. A teacher should must possess the ability to decide which goals are suitable for a certain level of learners. When teachers While dealing with young learners, it needs the teachers are required to put in more efforts than than what is usually required while teaching adults. When teaching While imparting second language training to young learners, a teacher should must ensure that make every activity chosen for the purpose is effective, useful and fun. There are a lot of pedagogical ways of making a lesson perfect and ideal. Perfect lesson starts with excellent preparation, choosing the suitable materials, providing learning aids such as overhead projector, audio and video devices. Not only good preparation will not only ensure the effectiveness of the lessons taught but also help in offering good superior and right precise instructions inside within the classrooms will help as well. Finally, In conclusion, in order to ensure the appropriateness of the input, second language teachers should must understand know their students’ background and their education levels since it differ varies from country to another country or even from one city to

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Midterm 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Midterm 1 - Essay Example y to make friends who can lead you through your investigation if an anthropologist identified himself as a freshman as opposed to declaring his mission in his factor of age difference between the student at the university and the anthropologist means that there will be communication barrier. The fact that the anthropologist is in a fact finding mission, requires that he employees a disguised identity all along if the mission is to bare any results. An authoritative voice is a voice that speaks more of an insight that is full of self-believe, and disregard for advice from other. Perhaps, a person with an authoritative voice will always define the destiny of a team regardless of the position of the team in the same. Naturally, people are not impressed with being directed to do something especially if they know that it is not right as far as their understanding of the same is concerned. For instance, if a woman fears of her capacity to give birth in the natural way, they will insist on undergoing a caesarian delivery method. The other way it relates to the eight logics is in the commitment students show towards their education, some students may not heed the call to read a chapter before entering a discussion and still insist that they know what they are doing. The ideology that authoritative voices conflict is true in the sense that, anyone who speaks with authority, will want to be the final decision maker and in that regard, consensus is never arrived at under that leadership. Virginity for instance, in some cultures like the Islam, it is highly regarded, and everybody is expected to be a virgin before he/she gets married. While male counterparts from the same religion are not restricted by culture, the same prize seems to be an infringement on the side of the female. Decision on the same is a responsibility of the men in that society which sparks a conflict of interest as to why would someone who is not a virgin be a custodian of the same. While

Saturday, August 24, 2019

It is not human nature to be cruel Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

It is not human nature to be cruel - Essay Example The initial theory of conformism, which suggests that a person, who has neither the expertise to make choices, especially in a crisis, will abandon decision making. The group is the persons behavioural model. This implies that cruelty is not part of human nature but can happen under some circumstances. The second is the agentic state theory, which suggests that whenever a person views himself as a tool for carrying out another person’s wishes, they shift responsibility of their actions off from themselves and obey their masters no matter what the orders are. This implies that some individuals shift the blame of their cruel trends to excuse their wrong doings. Milgram in his article gives a summary of the findings of his study as follows: The subject (teacher), a participant in the experiment was expected to choose between obeying an authority figure to inflict pain on a victim (learner) and the welfare of the victim in question. Before conducting the experiment, Milgram conducted an interview on 14 senior psychologists to determine what their predictions would concern the outcome of the experiment. Most of the respondents believed that only a small fraction (0 – 3 %) would be prepared to inflict the maximum pain (Schaefer 154). Apparently the findings suggested otherwise; in the first set of experiments 65% of the participants administered the maximum 450 volts. Even though the findings of this experiments were disputed by the likes of Professor James Waller, Chair of Holocaust and Genocide Studies at Keene State College, Author Gina Perry and the general scientific community as concerns the credibility of his findings, ethical is sues and its applicability to the holocaust, the experiment was replicated on a different variety of subjects, under different circumstances and over a period of years but the findings did not differ much. Holstein in his experiment stated that children who were raised by more loving and caring

Friday, August 23, 2019

MARKETING PROFESSIONAL Practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

MARKETING PROFESSIONAL Practice - Essay Example At the next level, the people who will work on this plan’s realization need to be identified and appropriately trained. The research for the staff required for the completion of an organizational plan begins within the organization. If specific competencies are involved in the particular project, then individuals with the required skills need to be identified. At this point, there is the following problem: is the organization involved able to respond to the financial needs of such initiative? In current case, the financial status of the particular (non – profit) organization is rather satisfactory – at least for now. However, the organization is not able of hiring staff; for this reason, volunteers will be asked to participate in the particular project – supporting the organization’s permanent staff. The various aspects of the specific scheme – of attracting volunteers – need to be carefully reviewed: a) volunteers will be treated like the permanent staff, b) the tasks allocated to volunteers will be checked – in accordance with the skills and the competencies of each individual, c) the time period of the volunteers’ participation in the project will be strictly defined – each volunteer will be asked to participate in the project for a short period – not more than a month – in order to guarantee the quality of the work provided but also the availability of volunteers, d) the performance of volunteers will be monitored – ensuring that volunteers who highly perform will be rewarded for their efforts; non-financial rewards could be provided to volunteers aiming to enforce their motivation. When the financial and the non-financial resources required for the specific project have been allocated – in the context described above – then the practical implications and challenges of the project should be identified and evaluated. First, the phases of the project need to be presented: a) in terms of location, the project will be

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Recruitment and Selection Strategies Recommendations Essay Example for Free

Recruitment and Selection Strategies Recommendations Essay With the expansion of Clapton Commercial Construction on the horizon, Atwood and Allen Consulting have created these recommendations for recruitment and selection. Clapton Commercial Construction will be expanding by twenty percent into Arizona, which is a new market for them. In this proposal we will discuss the need to recruit/select for the expansion project, the importance of diversity, how Clapton Commercial Construction can brand their organization, and how to legally recruit and select candidates. Once all these concepts are in place for Clapton Commercial Construction the company will be ready for the Arizona market. Diverse workforce In order for Clapton Commercial Construction to succeed in a new market and meet the demands of their future clients, they will need to recruit. An increase of workforce by twenty percent will require an understanding of the employment need. To successfully meet your expansion need for the next five years, the company needs to understand the U.S. market. Your market is tight which means construction workers are in high demand. This will lead to a high talent pool with diverse ethnicity. â€Å"The United States workforce is diverse and becoming more so every year† (Casico, 2012). Your organization is part of the service economy. Clapton will employee a workforce that resembles their clients, this help with communication when language barriers exist and assist in providing a new set of talent not yet available to your organization. Clapton’s company brand should be seen as an organization that is concerned with reaching and enhancing your clients experiences by showing them how Clapton is culturally in tuned. Over the next five years the company will go through an annual twenty percent employment increases and turnover of twenty percent. With this in mind Clapton has to provide an incentive package that is competitive in the Arizona market that decreases turnover rates. The business strategy of the organization will be based on teamwork. Diversity will be a big component of this concept. Teamwork is  only successful when all working parts are functioning as one. Diversity awareness course should be given to all employees, and conflicts will need to be resolved as soon as managers are aware. Recruitment concepts Recruitment is vital to the success of your organization. This process will determine your workforce. As mentioned in our prior recommendation it is important to hire employees that share the organizations goal of successfully expanding into a new market, while continuing to provide our clients with superior service. The human capital theory suggests that education or training raises the productivity of workers by imparting useful knowledge and skills, hence raising workers future income by increasing their lifetime earnings (Becker, 1964). Before Clapton can post the vacancy for open position, you must determine the type of candidate you are searching for. Ensure that the description for the open position is descriptive of the job role; the knowledge, skill and ability needed. The post should also reflect the expectations of the candidate and a clear outline of the Clapton’s organizational goal. Recruitment will be handled by your HR department specialist; they should be family with the Equal Employment Opportunity Act. â€Å"According to the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), an employer may not fire, demote, harass, or otherwise â€Å"retaliate† against an individual for filing a charge of discrimination, participating in a discrimination proceeding, or otherwise opposing discrimination. The same laws that prohibit discrimination based on race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, and disability, as well as wage differences between men and women performing substantially equal work, also prohibit retaliation against individuals who oppose unlawful discrimination or participate in an employment discrimination proceeding† (Cascio, 2012).† Arizona is considered a work at will state. This means simply that the employment is not based on a formal contract and can be severed by the employee or employer with or without a cause. Even though Arizona is a work at will state, discrimination is still prohibited. Arizona does not require an employer to provide breaks or lunches but as an employer who prides themselves on providing exceptional employee benefits Clapton should still provide employees two paid breaks and an unpaid lunch break  during an eight hour shift ( Conclusion Atwood and Allen Consulting have created a recruitment and selection Strategies plan that will help Clapton Commercial Construction facility in Arizona move along. If Clapton Commercial Construction follows this recruitment planning the company will be successful within the next five years. Employment will have expanded and the facility will be well known in Arizona. With the help of the HR Department Clapton has to provide an incentive package that is competitive in the Arizona market that decreases turnover rates. References Becker, G. S. (1964). Human capital. New York: Columbia University Press Retrieved on May 3, 2014 from:

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Fruit and Calcium Phosphate Ca Essay Example for Free

Fruit and Calcium Phosphate Ca Essay Washed, crushed livesnail or kuhol (eggs can also be used)place in a plastic container. Pestle orcrush materials Don’t use hands. Add thesame amount of molasses or Muscovadosugar. Mix sugar in ? container with fishingredients then remaining molasses. Prepare at night to prevent flies frombreeding. Apply directly to thesoil or to the ground, not to the leaves. Keep concoction from direct sunlight. Store in dry coolplace. Cover and keep in a cool place or shadedarea. Drain to extract liquid after 10 to 15days. Transfer liquid into a clean plasticbottles Wait till tiny bubbles disappearbefore sealing the cover before storing. Always leave about ? of bottle empty soIMO can breath. Calcium Phosphate Ca? P(animal bone) Induced flowering, prevent overgrowth. For older plants, it Increase calcium factor on roots and leaves. Calcium Phosphate (Ca? P) is the product which according to the plants’ lifecycle and can be fast? effective. Ca? P is applied when the plants are about to flower. Feed to animals during pregnancy or breeding timeat 200 times dilution. Spray when first flowers comes out. ex: tomato plant , cucumber, eggplant etc. Boil or broil 2 kilos ofanimal bones to separatemeat and fat untilremaining meat to thebone is charcoal blackscrape charred meat andlet it cool. Do not burnthe bone. Ratio 1:10 1 Place bone in a plasticcontainer and pour 5gallons of purecoconut or sugarcanevinegar. Cover for 30days. Filter and used. Keep air tightcontainer. 2 Calcium (eggshell and shells) Strengthen Flowers. Contributes to better utilization of carbohydrates and protein. It is also a major element in forming a cell membrane and enables smooth cell division make fruit hard and sweet. Spray CA on the leaves after the fruits has become large. They prevent overgrowth and get a sweet hard ruit. Add seawater, calcium phosphate or OHN for better taste and aroma of the fruits. It is applied when nitrogen is big. It is the most important ingredients for flowering. Wash and crushedeggshell and take theinside filament or film. Pan fry 2 kilos eggshelluntil brown, set aside andcool. Vinegar first thenpour slowly the eggshells. 1 Wait till the tiny bubbles disappear and stop. Use exact container. Cover and ferment for 20 days. Filter and use keep in airtight container..

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Ethnic Joke At Its Best Media Essay

The Ethnic Joke At Its Best Media Essay Ethnic jokes arent funny anymore. In fact, nearly one million adults in the tri-county area stated they personally experienced ethnic jokes, racial slurs, or verbal abuse. Thats not funny. Lets get serious. We can change that statistic. With a little more caring, understanding and compassion, we can all laugh with each other not at each other.' (Schutz, 1989). Ethnic and Racial Jokes has been the subject of a very controversial debate for quite a long time. As time progressed, peoples theories and attitudes towards ethnic jokes have evolved. The value of humor in the joke is more evident and the importance of this humor can be appreciated. Ethnic jokes, made in the right context, are acceptable in society pertaining to the particular place, time and surroundings of the person telling the joke. As human beings, we understand the gravity of the word respect; we have to respect every other living thing on this planet and no person or law or anything for that matter can change that fact. The idea behind the joke is not to offend people, cause disrespect and purposefully induce harm but to lighten up a dark ambience in a room its only a joke. I feel the need to emphasize the point that every ethnic joke should start with a look over your shoulder. (Wikipedia) Ethnic jokes make use of stereotypes, which is one of the gravest aspects that deter people from using them. Those not in favor claim that using stereotypes in the jokes can endorse a society in which negative ethnic stereotypes become socially acceptable making almost everyone racist. (Billig, 2001). Each person in society is afraid, even ashamed of being branded as a racist, which is one of the reasons why people have a very negative and wary attitude towards these jokes. People want to be able to laugh at race-based jokes without having to feel the guilt that plagues their conscience every time a giggle escapes their lips. This is still possible, if people try to become more mature and tolerant in accepting ethnic jokes and look at it in a more positive light somewhat like constructive criticism then everyone can have a guilt-free laugh at ethnic jokes. It is often said that Laughter is the best medicine; in the case of ethnic humor, this is true. Laughter reduces the tension du ring conversations and this can never be a bad thing. Laughter can bridge the gap between people from different ethnicities allowing them to understand the flaws of each others background as well as their own and interpreting these in a humorous manner will bring people closer together as friends. In his book, Peter Woods (1983) contends that Humour is power. It provides the strength that enables the individual to adapt to situations and, on occasion change them. (p. 112). Marty Beckerman, an author, journalist and humorist also sees the benefit; these jokes he admits are making people feel more comfortable with one another so they can get  past  their prejudices (Beckerman, 2008). A few studies have observed the relation of ethnic humor towards society. One such study is called The Joke Project a sociology professor in Rice University, Texas conducted a survey among his students on this subject. In The Joke Project, each student was told to ask a student from his/her own ethni city to tell them a joke. 90% responded with jokes out of which 42% of the responses had been racial or ethnic jokes. The remaining 48% who hadnt used ethnic jokes were asked whether they had recently heard a racial joke. 73% of these responded with racial jokes. (Davidson, 1987). The above evidence illustrates that ethnic jokes are used often in diverse multi-cultural places, especially in places like universities, since it helps bring people closer together; it helps when one has to make friends in a new place. Obviously, one does want to insult anyone when trying to make friends, on the contrary one tries to show that his understanding of another persons culture is deeper than the jokes with racial stereotypes make it out to believe. The opponents to this argument believe that racial and ethnic jokes are the cause for racial discrimination because ethnic jokes, in all their humor, present a severe reminder of past follies and struggles that people from various places in the world have faced over the years; in the words of Marty Beckerman (2008) poured salt into centuries-old wounds with cheap punch lines. The opposition suggests that these reminders are like adding cement to a wall that already divides us into different racial entities. On the other hand, the memories can help people. Memories can teach us what we need to know through our experiences. Remembering past struggles are not linked solely with recounting ethnic jokes, every history book has a story of past wars and conflicts, so then begs the question- why not stop reading history books? Answer, simply because it is illogical to do so. Professor Christie Davies (2000) says To become angry about such jokes and to seek to censor them because they impinge on sensitive issues is about as sensible as smashing a thermometer because it reveals how hot it is. (p. 116). In other words, just because something is out of favor with the general population, does not mean that one has to bar them entirely. Avoiding the past will not provide solutions to breaking down the metaphorical wall; with care and compassion and humor when we share the effects of past disputes using jokes, humorous stories and tales we can weaken that wall and join together to overcome issues of earlier times letting bygones be bygones. Racial jokes are insulting and demeaning claim the opposition for they employ the use of seemingly derogatory terms. In this case it is necessary to distinguish between racist jokes and jokes with race-based humor. There is a line between the two, albeit the line gets obscured and is hard to distinguish every now and then at these times extra caution is advised. The difference lies in the fact that jokes need not necessarily involve the defamation of a group; and merely because the joke contains references to a different ethnicity does not make it racist. There are several comedians such as Russell Peters, Maz Jobrani, Chris Rock and many others who have made successful careers making use of ethnic jokes. Their own success and the kaleidoscopic variety of people that turn up for their shows is proof of the effectiveness of these jokes. The entire people laugh together with each other at jokes about different ethnicities, there is no indication of any one race being singled out as su perior or inferior. This demonstrates that people are closer together at these shows and that for a joke to be an ethnic joke; it does not have to utilize offensive terms. Racism is a terrible thing but is forbidding the use of ethnic jokes really a way to put an end to it? There are good things as well as bad about ethnic humor. Ethnic jokes never did anyone harm on their own they are just jokes. We cannot blame the jokes but we can assume that the people who feel strongly disapproving about them as well as those who use them with complete disregard for others are the ones who need to change their perception. The solution depends entirely on perspective; the choice to be tolerant and to see the positive things can make all the difference. Imagine a world where people were not easily upset by ethnic jokes, a lot more smiles and laughter with less bickering and strife.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Nature Vs Nurture Mario Puzo - Peter Cary :: essays research papers

Nature Vs. Nurture Mario Puzo’s, Omerta, reflects the theory of Thomas Hobbes In the state of nature, where the theory states, that in the state of natureâ€Å"†¦no account of time; no arts; no letters; no society; and which is worst of all, continual fear, and danger of violent death; and the life of man, solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.†(The Modern Age: Ideas In Western Civilization, Page 37-30) In Peter Cary’s, True History of the Kelly Gang, which conveys the theory of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, â€Å"Man is born free; and everywhere he is in chains. One thinks himself the master of others, and still remains a greater slave than they. How did this change come about? I do not know. What can make it legitimate? That question I think I can answer†¦human beings were good in the state of nature and that in civilization there is the basis of corruption.† (The Modern Age: Ideas In Western Civilization, Page 35- 38) Mario Puzo’s, Omerta, suggests the theory of Hobbes, that the state of human society is based on human nature and genetics, whereas Peter Carey suggests the theory of Rousseau in his novel, True History of the Kelly Gang, nurture is the main influence, and that geography and human government control future human development, where every subject is or can be subject to change. In Omerta, Don Raymond Aprile adopted Astorre, who had the genetics of a great Mafia Don. In the novel True History of the Kelly Gang, Ned Kelly loses his father at the age of 12 and is left to be raised by his mother and small extended family. In Omerta, Astorre has two brothers and one sister who have little influence on his decisions, whereas in True History of the Kelly Gang, Ned also has siblings but they play a far more significant role in his upbringing, mainly because they can not care for themselves and need his help to survive. In Omerta, Astorre grows up around violence and illegal activities a nd has a natural talent for being a leader. Ned Kelly, on the opposite end of the spectrum, has grown up in a remote area with a corrupt judicial system, and he commits his crimes because of the constant changes in his life. Omerta begins with the assassination of a retired mob boss, Don Raymond Aprile. The novel then flashes back into the history of Raymond Aprile.

Realism in British Soap Opera Essay -- essays papers

Realism in British Soap Opera Using a media text as a key example, evaluate selected techniques of fictional production which contribute to a sense of realism consistent with genre or format used. Many have defined the term realism but these definitions by Watt and Williams can be easily applied to my choice of media text, which is the British soap opera. Fiske writes that Watt and Williams â€Å"†¦.tend to define it by its content. Watt traces its origins to the rise of the novel in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.† And Williams â€Å"†¦whose historical perspective covers the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, lists three main characteristics of realism in drama: he finds that it has a contemporary setting, that it concerns itself with secular action †¦ and that it is â€Å"socially extended†. ( Television Culture, John Fiske, Routledge, 1997, P.21 – 22) To expand on Williams’ three characteristics, the contemporary setting means that the drama should be set in the present day or at least modern times that the present audience are likely to have lived in. When the drama â€Å"concerns itself with secular action† this means that the events that take place within the drama are about people and described in human terms. The term â€Å"socially extended† means that the events in the drama revolve around the lives of ordinary people and not kings or social leaders. Williams definition can be seen to relate to the working class and their experience of subordination in industrial society. These are three of the generic characteristics found in the British soap opera. Coronation Street is one of Britain’s most successful soap operas where all of these characteristics can be seen clearly. The contemporary setting can be seen through the iconography used such as the modern cars, the clothes and issues that are discussed in the programme such as general elections. In soap opera this contemporary setting goes further than just modern day, they like to appear as if to be on the same day as the audience watching. This is achieved by covering the general elections as mentioned and characters making reference to the weekend in a Friday episode. The â€Å"Secular Action† in Coronation Street is clear as the narrative is character driven and the events are always seen from the characters point of view. â€Å"Secular Actionâ€Å" is particularly prevalent in Corona... ... record 29 million people watched an episode of Coronation Street in which Alan Bradley – who had been beating his wife Rita – was run over by a tram. After he had been â€Å"killed off† Mark Eden, who played Alan, was hit over the head with an umbrella in a shop. Viewers have also been known to send wreaths to television companies after characters have â€Å"died.†Ã¢â‚¬ ( Alex Duval Smith, Guardian, Education, Nov1 1994) In conclusion, the techniques used to contribute to sense of realism in the British soap opera include the three characteristics that Williams outlines. These are the use of a contemporary setting, the soap must concern itself with secular action and the soap should be socially extended. Other techniques that soap opera makers employ are the use of naturalism in the sets and characters, the time paralleling real time, the coverage of everyday issues as well as the big issues which actually happen very rarely but are very real. However the programme makers occasionally fail in their attempts to portray the real with the omission of gay characters and the closeness of all the residents of their particular area, which in real life is virtually non-existent.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Challenge of Defining a Single Muliticultural Education Essay -- essay

The Challenge of Defining a Single â€Å"Multicultural Education†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As stated in the first paragraph of this article, â€Å"Multicultural education has been transformed, refocused, reconceptualized, and in a constant state of evolution both in theory and in practice.† Multicultural education is always changing. Culture is something that changes on a day-to-day basis. The way our society changes is no one’s hands, but our own.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Multicultural education can be something that is as simple as a change in the curriculum adding new and diverse materials (2nd paragraph). As the world changes our ability to learn should grow. New things happen every day and the only way we can grow from these things is to open our eyes and realize what is going on. Society tackles many different things each day and we never know what’s going to happen until after it does. Entering new things into the curriculum based on current issues is a positive thing in my eyes. Adding to and enhancing the curriculum adds more knowledge to our multicultural views.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the third paragraph of this article it states that, â€Å"Every student must have an equal opportunity to achieve to her or his full potential.† I agree with this statement fully. If a student is given the opportunity to put his or her all into their work then their work is at its potential. Many teachers prohibit this from happening by picking favorites and underestimating ...

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Coffee Industry Essay

People usually drink coffee to stay up while awake at night, besides that many people rely on coffee to get their day started. According to the New England Journal of Medicine, â€Å"Drinking coffee can lead to a longer life†; however, many consumers have no idea of the impact of habits on their coffee and coffee farmers around the globe, ethical issues of consumers with the industry is not fair; but to coffee farmers, the issues are human rights violations and use of child labor issues need to be addressed. To remedy this situation, the fair trade will hopefully improve the living conditions of some of the poorest people in the world through certified value and the change in the consumer’s choice. Coffee is one of the most valuable commodities in the world, most of the farmers in the form of small retail and come from developing countries, although the majority of coffee sales are in the America and Europe many people around the world rely on coffee to work and have a better life; however, to producing quality coffee, farmers have to work very hard though farmers receive very little money and the inequity of the coffee producing companies when they sell coffee. Working conditions of farmers in the plantations are very different, although they work hard , but it paid for exploitation, for example , in Guatemala , coffee pickers to harvest 100 pounds to get the minimum wage $ 3 per day (The Problem with Fair Trade Coffee 2010),farmers have to work overtime and do not earn extra money, so farmers use child labor for the production of coffee to save money and use these chemicals effect of the human body in order for a fast development of coffee sale on the market. Moreover, using the chemicals and the development of the coffee industry adversely affect habitat and species decline. In addition, forests are cut down to coffee production affects the environment and soil erosion. According to World Wildlife Fund (WWF), â€Å"converting forest to tea and coffee agriculture can also create erosion and soil loss† (WWF 2010) ; yet the farmers have no choice and/or the opportunity to change. According to the International Coffee Organization or ICO â€Å"Coffee production in 2012 was 144 611 000 bags, mostly from less developed countries such as, Brazil 50 826 000 bags. Vietnam 22 000 000 bags and Indonesia 12 730 000 bags â€Å" (ICO 2013), though coffee production is highly ranked in the world, but farmers still do not get enough money to pay for life, for example, Vietnam in 2012, producing nearly 30 % of world coffee production but the turnover is only 10 % of the total trade value obtained from the global industry, the main reason is due to their ability to improve processing of value and coffee products are limited, coffee roasting plants in countries with rates lower than 10%, when farmers sells 1kg of coffee beans, farmers gets about 2 dollars or an average price of one cup of coffee oversea, yet 1 kg of coffee can make 50 cups. In addition, the links between farmers and enterprises are not strong, the lack of information on farmers markets, so farmers often extorted. Moreover, the risk of crop failure is the fear of the coffee growers. Most of the profits from coffee for export processing enterprises, coffee farmers only enjoy a small percentage. That has caused insecurity for farmers. Solution to this problem is the fair trade. According to Wikimedia, Fair trade coffee is coffee that is certified as having been produced and marketed to a stated set of standards. Many Customers pay a higher price when buying coffee with the certification logo or brand in the Belief Furniture , by doing so, they are helping farmers in the Third World . In particular, the fair trade coffee movement gives a reasonable price to the Farmers who were being a low – wage labor exploitation. However, achieve certification of fair trade, farmers must meet several conditions of production as farmers have to meet a large variety of production standards : there are limits on the use of child labor , pesticides , herbicides , genetically modified products , etc. With these standards met, both consumers and farmers can benefit, with farmers getting the sufficient amount of money for their products, and the consumers getting their product knowing it’s safe to consume and has no effect on the producers financially or ethnically. These farmers must cooperate with businesses to produce the certified products, such amounts received will be higher and the lives of the farmers would be better. In addition, consumers should choose certified products in the supermarket or the market as this will support and will be helpful for farmers. In conclusion, fair trading is the way for farmers and coffee producers to get a higher amount, and will change lives for the better. Therefore farmers should choose fair trade to ensure benefits and consumers should choose products that have been certified to support the farmers. Reference * The problem with Fair Trade Coffee. * Retrieved August 30, 2013, from http://www. ssireview. org/articles/entry/the_problem_with_fair_trade_coffee * Coffee Production and Labor * Retrieved August 30, 2013, from http://www. organicconsumers. org/starbucks/coffeelabor. htm * Fair Trade Coffee * Retrieved August 30, 2013, from http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Fair_trade_coffee * International Coffee Organization- EXPORTING COUNTRIES: TOTAL PRODUCTION * Retrieved August 30, 2013, from http://www. ico. org/prices/po. htm * Health and effect of Coffee. * Retrieved August 30, 2013, from http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Health_effects_of_coffee * Environmental Impacts of Coffee and Tea Production * Retrieved September 2, 2013 from http://www. hellogreentomorrow. com/blog/2010/11/environmental-impacts-of-coffee-and-tea-production.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Happy Endings Essay

In the short story Happy Endings by Margaret Atwood the author displays how plot can affect characterization, or the reader’s perceptions of characters, by showing several different scenarios using the same characters but different plot lines. For example, plot B, although it uses the same characters, creates very different perceptions of those characters than the ones created in plot A. In plot A, John and Mary appear to be in love, and they appear to be happy. The plot seems to indicate this; â€Å"John and Mary fall in love and get married. They both have worthwhile jobs which they find exciting and challenging. â€Å"They buy a charming house. From the sequence of events revealed, we are led to believe that John and Mary are two ordinary people with good lives and a healthy relationship. However, in plot B, this perception changes, even though it is told with the same characters. In this story, the reader perceives John as a selfish jerk who shamelessly uses Mary, and Mary as a poor girl with a weak will. â€Å"Mary falls in love with John but John doesn’t fall in love with Mary. He merely uses her body for selfish pleasure and ego gratification of a tepid kind. † This sequence of events leads the reader to conclude very different things about the characters than in the first plot. The plot structure is set so the audience is always changing his or her perceptions. There are some interesting themes that develop from this short story. One theme could be the idea of what the middle class values as important. Version A seems to sum up what the middle class expects life to be and thinks life should be. Another theme is the Inevitability of Death mentioned in version F. This is the idea that death can’t be avoided no matter what as stated in the story over and over again â€Å"John and Mary die. † This is definitely the main thought behind the entire short story.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Recontructionism Essay

The role of the student in a Reconstructionist learning environment. The role of the student in the reconstructionist learning environment is to be an active participant. Students are encouraged to think critically about the world in which they live in and how it can be changed for the better. Students learn how to be problem solvers and decision makers. It is common for students to be challenged on their thoughts and feelings regarding topics. Acquisition of strong moral values are also encouraged through teaching. Reconstructionist encourages social activism among its students. It is not uncommon for students to learn while doing, such as organizing a food drive for the local homeless shelter. Progressivism With the Laboratory School set the stage for the progressive education movement. Based on the view that educators, like scientists, need a place to test their ideas, Dewey’s Laboratory School eventually became the most famous experimental school in the history of U. S. education, a place where thousands observed Dewey’s innovations in school design, methods, and curriculum. Although the school remained under Dewey’s control for only eight years and never enrolled more than 140 students (ages 3 to 13) in a single year, its influence was enormous. Dewey designed the Lab School with only one classroom but with several facilities for experiential learning: a science laboratory, an . Progressivism organizes schools around the concerns, curiosity, and real-world experiences of students. The progressive teacher facilitates learning by helping students formulate meaningful questions and devise strategies to answer those questions. Answers are not drawn from lists or even Great Books; they are discovered through real world experience. Progressivism is the educational application of a philosophy called pragmatism. According to pragmatism, the way to determine if an idea has merit is simple: test it. If the idea works in the real world, then it has merit. Both pragmatism and progressivism originated in America, the home of a very practical and pragmatic people. John Dewey refined and applied pragmatism to education, establishing what became known as progressivism. John Dewey was a reformer with a background in philosophy and psychology who taught that people learn best through social interaction in the real world. Dewey believed that because social learning had meaning, it endured. Book learning, on the other hand, was no substitute for actually doing things. Progressivisms do not believe that the mind can be disciplined through reading Great Books, rather that the mind should be trained to analyse experience thoughtfully and draw conclusions objectively. Dewey saw education as an opportunity to learn how to apply previous experiences in new ways. Dewey believed that students, facing an ever-changing world, should master the scientific method: (1) Become aware of a problem; (2) define it; (3) propose various hypotheses to solve it; (4) examine the consequences of each hypothesis in the light of previous experience; and (5) test the most likely solution. (For a biography of John Dewey, see the Hall of Fame: Profiles in Education in Chapter 4. ) Dewey regarded democracy and freedom as far superior to the political ideas of earlier times. Dewey saw traditional, autocratic, teacher-cantered schools as the antithesis of democratic ideals. He viewed progressive schools as a working model of democracy. Dewey wrote: To imposition from above is opposed expression and cultivation of individuality; to external discipline is opposed free activity; to learning from texts and teachers, learning through experience; to acquisition of isolated skills and techniques by drill is opposed acquisition of them as means of attaining ends which make direct vital appeal; to preparation for a more or less remote future is op-posed making the most of the opportunities of present life; to statistics and materials is opposed acquaintance with a changing world. The Progressive Classroom Walk into a progressivism classroom, and you will not find a teacher standing at the front of the room talking to rows of seated students. Rather, you will likely see children working in small groups, moving about and talking freely. Some children might be discussing a science experiment, while another group works on a model volcano, and a third pre-pares for a presentation. Interest centres would be located throughout the room, filled with books, materials, software, and projects designed to attract student interest on a wide array of topics. Finally you notice the teacher, walking around the room, bending over to talk with individual students and small groups, asking questions and making suggestions. You sense that the last thing on her mind is the standardized state test scheduled for next week. Progressivisms build the curriculum around the experiences, interests, and abilities of students, and encourage students to work together cooperatively. Teachers feel no compulsion to focus their students’ attention on one discrete discipline at a time, and students integrate several subjects in their studies. Thought-provoking activities augment reading, and a game like Monopoly might be used to illustrate the principles of capitalism versus socialism. Computer simulations, field trips, and interactive websites on the Internet offer realistic learning challenges for students, and build on students’ multiple intelligences. Progressivism in Action: The Laboratory School In 1896, while a professor at the University of Chicago, Dewey founded the Laboratory School as a testing ground for his educational ideas. Dewey’s writings and his work art room, a wood-working shop, and a kitchen. Children were likely to make their own weights and measures in the laboratory, illustrate their own stories in the art room, build a boat in the shop, and learn chemistry in the kitchen. They were unlikely to learn through isolated exercises or drills, which, according to Dewey, students consider irrelevant. Since Dewey believed that students learn from social interaction, the school used many group methods such as cooperative model-making, field trips, role playing, and dramatizations. Dewey maintained that group techniques make the students better citizens, developing, for example, their willingness to share responsibilities. Children in the Laboratory School were not promoted from one grade to another after mastering certain material. Rather, they were grouped according to their individual interests and abilities. For all its child-cantered orientation, however, the Laboratory School remained hierarchical in the sense that the students were never given a role comparable to that of the staff in determining the school’s educational practices. Social Reconstructionism Social reconstructionism encourages schools, teachers, and students to focus their studies and energies on alleviating pervasive social inequities, and as the name implies, reconstruct society into a new and more just social order. Al-though social reconstructionist agree with progressivists that schools should concentrate on the needs of students, they split from progressivism in the 1920s after growing impatient with the slow pace of change in schools and in society. George Counts, a student of Dewey, published his classic book, Dare the Schools Build a New Social Order? in which he outlined a more ambitious, and clearly more radical, approach to education. Counts’s book, written in 1932, was no doubt influenced by the human cost of the Great Depression. He proposed that schools focus on reforming society, an idea that caught the imagination and sparked the ideals of educators both in this country and abroad. Social challenges and problems provide a natural (and moral) direc tion for curricular and instructional activities. Racism, sexism, environmental pollution, homelessness, poverty, substance abuse, homophobia, AIDS and violence are rooted in misinformation and thrive in ignorance. Therefore, social reconstructionists believe that school is the ideal place to begin ameliorating social problems. The teacher’s role is to explore social problems, suggest alternate perspectives, and facilitate student analysis of these problems. While convincing, cajoling, or moralizing about the importance of addressing human tragedy would be a natural teacher response, such adult-led decision-making flies in the face of reconstructionist philosophy. A social reconstructionist teacher must model democratic principles. Students and teachers are expected to live and learn in a democratic culture; the students themselves must select educational objectives and social priorities. The Social Reconstructionist Classroom A social reconstructionist teacher creates lessons that both intellectually inform and emotionally stir students about the inequities that surround them. A class might read a book and visit a photojournalist’s exhibit portraying violent acts of racism. If the book, exhibit and the class discussion that follows move the students, the class might choose to pursue a long-term project to investigate the problem. One group of students might analyse news coverage of racial and ethnic groups in the community. Another student group might conduct a survey analysing community perceptions of racial groups and race relations. Students might visit city hall and examine arrest and trial records in order to determine the role race plays in differential application of the law. Students might examine government records for information about housing patterns, income levels, graduation rates and other relevant statistics. The teacher’s role would be as facilitator: assisting students in focusing their questions, developing a strategy, helping to organize visits, and ensuring that the data collected and analysed meet standards of objectivity. Throughout, the teacher would be instructing students on research techniques, statistical evaluation, writing skills, and public communications. In a social reconstructionist class, a research project is more than an academic exercise; the class is engaged in a genuine effort to improve society. In this case, the class might arrange to meet with political leaders, encouraging them to create programs or legislation to respond to issues the students uncovered. The students might seek a pro bono attorney to initiate legal action to remedy a social injustice they unmasked. Or perhaps the students might take their findings directly to the media by holding a press conference. They might also create a Web page to share their findings and research methods with students in other parts of the country, or other parts of the world. How would the teacher decide if the students have met the educational goals? In this example, an objective, well-prepared report would be one criterion, and reducing or eliminating a racist community practice would he a second measure of success. Social Reconstructionism in Action: Paulo Freire Paulo Freire believed that schools were just another institution perpetuating social inequities while serving the interests of the dominant group. Like social reconstructionism itself, Freire’s beliefs grew during the Great Depression of the 1930s, when he experienced hunger and poverty first-hand. Influenced by Marxist and neo-Marxist ideas, Freire accused schools of perpetuating the status quo views of the rich and powerful â€Å"for the purpose of keeping the masses submerged and content in a culture of silence. † Schools were endorsing social Darwinism, the idea that society is an ingenious â€Å"sorting† system, one in which the more talented rise to the top, while those less deserving find themselves at the bottom of the social and economic pecking order. The conclusion: Those with money de-serve it, those without money deserve their lot in life, and poverty is a normal, preordained part of reality. Freire rejected this conclusion. He did not believe that schools should be viewed as â€Å"banks,† where the privileged deposit ideas like social Darwinism to he spoon fed into the limited minds of the dispossessed. He envisioned schools as a place where the poor can acquire the skills to regain control of their lives and influence the social and economic forces that locked them in poverty in the first place. Freire engaged the poor as equal partners in dialogues that explored their economic and social problems and possible solutions. Freire believed in praxis, the doctrine that when actions are based on sound theory and values, they can make a real difference in the world. (It is no accident that the term praxis is also the name given to the teacher competency tests required by many states. ) Freire’s ideas took hold not only in his native Brazil, but in poor areas around the globe. As poor farm workers became literate and aware, they organized for their self-improvement, and began to work for change. It is not surprising that the autocratic leaders of his country eventually forced him into exile, for he had turned schooling into a liberating force. For a biography of Paulo Freire, see the Hall of Fame: Profiles in Education in Chapter 4. ) How Can Education Reduce Crime? A major proposition for solving the crime epidemic has always been a call for more education: however does a more educated society mean a lawful society? Schools as institutions are merely a microcosm of society and as such must inherently reflect the attitudes and behavior of the public, including stealing from each other beating up on each other, dealing in contraband and sexually violating each other. Students flout school regulations and/or national laws. One can now ponder which comes first, the chicken or the egg? Does the deviant student become the criminal? Or does the criminal modeling within society create the deviant student? Students however are not the only perpetrators of crime in schools. Teachers represent authority figures in the system, and like in wider society, they may abuse their power and break school rules as well. These unfortunate events again raise questions. What causes a teacher to give unfair advantages to his favorite students? What causes the politician/policeman to pardon his criminal friend or allow him unfair advantages? What causes authority figures to victimize members of a certain groups? In the end, we need to view the issues of crime in school and crime in society as interlinked. Viewed in this context, the solution of increased education on its own to mitigate crime, seems less feasible. A favorable learning environment, coupled with specialized teaching techniques can lower deviance and increase the rule of law. Students are more likely to succeed when they feel connected to the school and the learning process. This connection reflects students’ belief that school administrations care about them as individuals. Teachers are central to creating a clear classroom structure. They must build connectedness in the classroom and encourage team-learning exercises to break down social isolation by integrating student teams across gender, academic ability, and ethnicity. A supportive school administration must not allow a young person to ‘fail’, or students will inadvertently believe in’ winners and losers’. This assumption sets up a dysfunctional dichotomy: the ‘winners’ or the academically proficient become ‘nerds’ and ‘losers’. A positive, nurturing school culture with students experiencing connectedness to their school will create a positive, nurturing society with citizens experiencing connectedness to their communities and by extension, their country. Studies show a high proportion of students positively connected to their school are likely to increase academic performance and school competition rates and decrease incidents of fighting, bullying, vandalism and absenteeism. There is strong evidence, applicable across racial, ethnic and income groups that students who feel connect to school are less likely to exhibit disruptive behavior. Implementing civic education, particularly education about the rule of law into school curricula is used in Latin America and Asia as a predominant technique to foster knowledge and attitudes that prevent crime and corruption, protect human rights and enrich and enhance formal democracy. In Trinidad and Tobago, the education system has consistently separated schools and students into vocation and university tracks and as such, avoided providing all students with the same core curriculum and setting inclusive academic standards. This form of ‘informed prejudice’ has created, over the past decades, a society of confident and ‘inferior’ citizens, professionals and dropouts, favored ‘old-boy’ graduates and ‘neglected strugglers. ’ Without a significant paradigm shift in the education system, the levels of crime in schools and society will increase or remain constant, students will always steal and teachers will always create as many or more problems than they solve. Higher levels of education do not guarantee less crime in society, but indeed a more effective education system that caters to both the students and teacher’s mental and psychological health, while fostering a greater understanding and appreciation for civic duty and the rule of law, is key for crime reduction. Advocates: Early education key to reducing crime The key to eradicating crime and violent behaviour, say organizers with the non-profit Fight Crime: Invest in Kids Pennsylvania, is to invest more resources in early care and child education. That was the theme earlier this week as Fight Crime visited the Penn Alexander School to unveil its findings in the multi-point plan, â€Å"High-Quality Early Care and Education: a Key To Reducing Crime in Pennsylvania. † The plan points to numerous nationwide studies which found that in Michigan, at-risk children not enrolled in high-quality programs were five times more likely to be chronic offenders by the age of 27; another report, this one based on Chicago, found that at-risk kids not participating in the city’s child-parent centre programs are 70 per cent more likely to be arrested for a violent crime by the age of 19. And since the School District of Philadelphia’s enrolment of at-risk/economically disadvantaged children currently sits at 80. 6 per cent – or 117,749 students – it only made sense for Philadelphia to be the first stop in a state-wide mission, said Fight Crime Pennsylvania State Director Bruce Clash. â€Å"Philadelphia is obviously important because it’s a big city, and important because so many kids here have unmet needs,† Clash said. â€Å"And that’s a travesty for them, their families and the community at large. Clashed praised the efforts of District Attorney Seth Williams in embracing the findings and for attending the unveiling, along with district superintendent Dr. William Hite Sr. and other elected and appointed officials. Williams and Hite were both unavailable for comment as of Tribune press time. The report illustrates in great detail the correlation between the lack of education and criminality and the positive effects reaped wh en limited resources are properly utilized, vital when only 17. 6 per cent of eligible 3- and 4-year-olds have access to high-quality publicly funded pre-K programs throughout the commonwealth. The report also shows that Pennsylvania spends more than $2. 3 billion on incarceration, but only $340 million on early childhood education. â€Å"Law enforcement leaders across Pennsylvania want to make sure more Pennsylvania children receive high-quality care and education in their early years – the help they need to succeed in life and avoid later crime and violence,† read a portion of the findings. â€Å"Despite strong evidence that high-quality early education can reduce future corrections costs in Pennsylvania and nationally, spending on corrections far surpasses spending on early education. The report further shows that, of criminals labelled chronic offenders by the age of 2, 35 per cent of them did not attend or participate in preschool programs; conversely, only 7 per cent of those that did attend such a program went on to be considered chronic offenders. The report suggests several ways to cut off young criminal pipeline, including increasing the number of quality teachers, better funding for federal early care, Pre-K and head start programs, better implementation of the Child Care and Development Block grant and more school districts taking part in the federal â€Å"Race To The Top† program. The thing most criminals have in common is the lack of a high school education. Not everyone who doesn’t get a diploma commits a crime, but there are more likely to commit a crime and be incarcerated,† Clash said. â€Å"So we targeted early childhood, with 40 years of research showing us that if you reach at-risk and economically disadvantaged children, 44 per cent more were likely to graduate because they have a foundation to build on, develop, grow from and attain the skills they need in life. Clash said inroads are being made, citing the recent, multi-million dollar funding of the state’s â€Å"Pre-K Counts† program and the various Head start initiatives. Those two programs are funded through a series of line items in the state budget. â€Å"Both of these funding streams are used by the School District of Philadelphia and by hundreds of school districts throughout the state, and many other districts use their own money for these programs,† Clash said. Momentum continues to grow, but the problem is that only 17 per cent of all Pennsylvanian three- and four-year-olds receive publicly-funded, high-quality Pre-K programming. â€Å"And in Philadelphia, it’s a huge, unmet need, since 3,100 kids are at the poverty line do not have access to pre-K programs because they are on a wait list,† Clash continued. â€Å"So this report makes the case of why law enforcement is so concerned about getting access to pre-K young kids. Long-term arrests come down, and behaviourally, the data shows a reduction in early aggressive behaviour. †

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Happy Loman’s Significance In Arthur Miller’s “Death Of A Salesman” Essay

The definition of the American Dream is an important theme that is woven throughout the attitudes and actions of Arthur Miller’s characters in his play The Death of A Salesman. Happy Loman, a character dominated by his material greed and desire to crush anyone standing between him and the almighty dollar, represents a skewed perspective of that Dream, a perspective shared by an increasingly large amount of Americans. Through his insatiable appetite for power, lust, and wealth, Happy Loman embodies the modern capitalist American Dream. And through his never-ending discontent and incessant feeling of unfulfillment, Happy also embodies the fallacy and shortcomings of that Dream. One could consider Happy Loman to be a success. He may not be the president of his company (in fact he is one of two assistants to an assistant buyer), but at roughly thirty years of age, he has a steady job and a place of his own. And he’s moving up in the world, he’s getting somewhere. And there’s nothing wrong with this. American society and capitalism in general is based on the Puritan individualist work ethic, which states that hard work breeds success and happiness. But Happy isn’t succeeding because he works hard, because he’s well liked, or because he’s exceptionally good at what he does. He’s succeeding through the neo-American shortcut to happiness, the modern American Dream, which encourages cut-throat competition at every level. Happy, much like millions of other Americans, is moving up in the world by defeating his competition, by destroying all of those in his way. On page 23 and 24, he says, â€Å"All I can do now is wait for the merchandise manager to die†Ã‚ ¦He’s a good friend of mine.† Happy desires more money, more power, and more responsibility strongly enough that he is willing to lose a good friend of his, just to get his job. His job. Not a job. Another reason why Happy symbolizes the new American Dream is his obsession with ruining the lives of others in order to better himself. â€Å"I don’t know what gets into me, maybe I just have an overdeveloped sense of competition or something†Ã‚ ¦Ã¢â‚¬  he says on page 25. Happy can get any woman he wants. Yet he deliberately chooses to sleep with the wives and  fiancÃÆ' ©es of his co-workers and bosses as a way of defeating them in some nonexistent competition for power. Therefore, despite the fact that they may be ahead of him in the business world, Happy can find solace in the fact that he â€Å"went and ruined† his bosses’ spouses. â€Å"Isn’t that a crummy characteristic?† he asks Biff. Of course it is, but it doesn’t stop Happy from doing it over and over. Happy may represent the quintessential American in the aspects mentioned above, but what truly cements his position as the epitome of the neo-capitalist is his pervading feelings of unhappiness and discontent. When Happy speaks of possibly becoming the new merchandise manager, he says that he would do the same thing that the old merchandise manager did: build a mansion of a house for himself, then sell in in two months. He says on page 23, â€Å"It’s crazy†Ã‚ ¦it’s what I always wanted. My own apartment, a car, and plenty of women.† Yet when Biff asks if he is content, Happy retorts, â€Å"Hell no!†. When speaking of women, whom Happy appears to be incredibly fond of, he says, â€Å"I keep knockin’ em over, and it doesn’t mean anything.† And why is Happy discontent? Because he defined the American Dream, his American Dream, in terms of money and power, instead of happiness and self-actualization. He will never be content, and nei ther will anyone else who shares his Dream. When goals are determined in denominations of currency, then they can never be reached, because no one can possess all the money that exists in the world. What’s better than a Toyota? A Lexus. What’s better than a Lexus? A Ferrari. What’s better than a Ferrari? A hovercraft? A yacht? 2 yachts? A goddamn jumbo jet? It never ends. And thus, the American Dream can be crushed under the weight of a dollar bill when it is improperly defined. The Dream becomes farce, a crock, a hoax, an old wives’ tale, an urban legend, an orange that consists of nothing but the peel, a person whose soul, whose brains have been sucked out of his nose by little aliens wearing wing-tipped shoes, carrying attachÃÆ' © cases, and driving hovercrafts with the future wives of their bosses in the passenger seat. But it doesn’t have to.

Consumer product safety Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Consumer product safety - Research Paper Example l injury and defense of negligence Duty of care and breach of duty care This is a legal obligation of a person or organization to avoid omission, which can be, reasonably foreseen consequently causing harm to others. In this context, the duty of care of manufacturers of garlic slicer is fundamental to avoid potential risks to users. In actual sense, manufacturers have a responsibility of care to prevent damage or injury arising from failure or fault of their products (Consumer Product Safety division). It is noteworthy that, the model of the duty of care should be proved before proceeding with an action in negligence. Conversely, an individual who without any element of personal fault sustains an injury caused by a defect in the design or manufacture of a product rendering it unreasonably dangerous to normal use, may recover from the product’s manufacturer without proof of negligence. Standard of care This refers to manufacturer’s obligation of ensuring proper descripti on of product usage. It involves a provision of proper usage guidelines and associated cautions (Consumer Product Safety division). This may include package inserts, which describes all forms of information related to the prescribing data. The package inserts refers to the specific product information, which includes the medication itself. It is worth noting that, the product inserts do not define the standard of care for the use of the prescription medications however, the key concern is how the courts rule on the matter. The fundamental aspects attributed to the insert information include the possibility of establishing the applicable standard of care, which can be used as evidence in the determination of the applicable standard of care. In addition, whether this information can be used to in the... Consumer product safety Consumer protection statute refers to the laws that regulate relationships between individual consumers and manufacturers. This study examines the product liability statute. This statute governs the liability of the manufacturers, wholesalers, distributor and vendors for damages caused by faulty products. The fundamental role of the product liability statute is to enhance consumer protection from dangerous products. This law holds the manufacturers, wholesalers, and vendors responsible for such product faultiness. Manufactures have a fundamental role in ensuring the consumer safety is assured. However, restriction on negligence actions implies that, while damages may be recompensed for individual damages or injuries caused, damages will not be awarded for economic losses. Consumer protection statute refers to the laws that regulate relationships between individual consumers and manufacturers. This study examines the product liability statute. This statute governs the liability of the manufacturers, wholesalers, distributor and vendors for damages caused by faulty products. The fundamental role of the product liability statute is to enhance consumer protection from dangerous products. This law holds the manufacturers, wholesalers and vendors responsible for such product faultiness. In conclusion, manufactures have a fundamental role in ensuring the consumer safety is assured. However, restriction on negligence actions implies that, while damages may be recompensed for individual damages or injuries caused, damages will not be awarded for economic losses.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Municipal Solar Infrastructure Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Municipal Solar Infrastructure - Essay Example The community organisations in villages, the prime beneficiaries of the project , the implementing agency - BP Solar Australia and the donor agency - Australian government are the major stakeholders. In addition, the government bodies in Philippines like The department of Interior and local government (DLIG) , Local Governance Units (LGU), Barengay Technical Team, community organisations for social mobilisation are also the other stakeholders in this project. The project operations have ensured the capacity building of the community groups in terms of the project governance and also established a team for the technical support needed for the services and repairs of the devices installed. The ability to mobilise people for their effective participation and also to undertake the administrative activities like accounts/ finance management, collection of charges from the beneficiaries are the key inputs that strengthened the governance component of the project. Creation of separate technical team called Barangay Technical Team for simple maintenance need was one such initiative. The sound technical back up also ensured the reliability of installations and enhanced the public confidence. The project success achieved with only two full time staff from BP solar shows the extend of empowerment of the stakeholders. Recommendations for Project manager : The majority of components were sourced from Australia due to the conditions in the project. And after the project period the supply of the above items from the Australian agencies may not be viable. Hence, project manager could have identified suppliers in the neighborhood regions for ensuring the sustainability of operations. This could also help to spread the project to other areas not covered under the project. Comments : The project is an excellent example of effective integration of stakeholder management principles into the project governance operation. The transformation achieved across highly scattered regions of Philippines with the period of 3.5 years clearly shows the efficiency of project operations. Further, the project also helped to improve the general living conditions of the people in the villages. Conclusion : The committed effort from BP Solar company to ensure an efficient project governance system led to the project success. The project interest was much beyond sales initiative and hence created a successful system for operations. Stakeholder map SA B Stakeholder Management Sheet Name of the stakeholder Name of contact Stakeholder type Influence level BP Solar Australia Project manager Major High Government of Australia Project manager Major Low Barangay Technical Team Team leader for each village Minor Medium Department of Interior and Local Government, Philippines Department representative Minor Minor Local Government Units Government Representative Major Medium Community Organisation Representative of

Monday, August 12, 2019

Obituary story about myself Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Obituary story about myself - Article Example (Name), was an Italian-born Venezuelan, whose parents moved on to stay in Venezuela during the time World War II was taking place. His grandfathers were very hard working people; one was a doctor, and the other was a building constructor. From their hard work and dedication to good service, this family became highly renowned and respected. He was born and raised in Maracaibo, a town that is located in one of the cities in Venezuela. His parents did their best to ensure that they educated him to meet his educational, career and personal goals, despite the hard life that was being experienced in Venezuela at that time. He started his educational journey in Maracaibo, where he attended and graduated from high school, thereafter; he attended Georgia Tech University in Atlanta U.S.A and stayed on for one year. He joined Miami University, to advance his career in broadcast journalism and became a success story in his field. After finishing, he was part of the production and editing team in various media houses in the United States. (name), had a lifetime dream of serving his people and dying at a ripe age of 90 years, something that he was lucky to achieve. During his lifetime, (name) managed to have high-profile interviews in his career; he held his interview program with the CNN Espanol. In his program, (name), was interested in helping people know how to create positive change and influence in the society through establishment of different systems. His program lasted for almost two years, where he later joined E-entertainment, hosting various entertainment programs on television programs electronically. Through dedication and excellence in service delivery, all his television programs had a wide audience, receiving several accolades internationally. It is through his service in the entertainment industry that he met Jessica, the famous Pop Music Star, whom she engaged and later married. His wedding took place in the Silicon Valley of the United States, and

Sunday, August 11, 2019

New Product Deployment Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

New Product Deployment - Research Paper Example This makes the company strong in thinking globally and act locally. Further to gain grip over the local markets it spends significant amounts on social responsibilities ( The consumption of quantity of tea is followed by the consumption of drinking water. On an average about 3 million metric tons of tea is produced in the globe. The largest producer-countries are the largest consumers as well, and the rest is traded either directly to value-added resellers in other countries or bought through auction on the open market ( 'The UK is the largest per-capita consumer of tea averaging about 3.5 to 4.0 cups per day. India and China are the largest consumers of tea on the basis of total leaf used, and this consumption is largely from internal production.' ( Tea brands are more and more number of people drink tea in the globe. 'It is revealed that tea is the most preferable drink after water' ( Many flavours (as per local and global preferences), different sizes (such as 1000 Gms, 500gms, 250 Gms, 100 Gms, 50 Gms dip tea bags) are brought by research and by the firms including Unilever. There are different blends of tea namely; premium blend which is costly and tasty where as regular blend is cheap and not so strong and tasty. Similarly leaf teas, yellow tea, green tea, iced tea, ice tea are also in the market. Earlier days tea used to be served in hot and now tea also is served in cool. Further 'all teas - black, green, oolong or white provide with an antioxidant boost and just one 200ml cup of Lipton Yellow Label will provide you with around 135mg of antioxidants' ( a) Core product description and potential for differentiation Tea is mostly available in powder format packed in vaccum evaporated packing system. Most of the parts of the globe tea is served hot. Household customers buy and pour in their bottles or containers at the time of using. With this the customers can not take the benefit of packing. Size reduction (form of sachets), to some extrent, solves the problem but increases the cost of the product and is inconvenient to stock the prooduct (unhygenic) after using partially as each sachet can be used for 4 cups of tea to be served hot.. b) Expected product

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Analysis Of HR Strategy Of Seagate Technologies Essay

Analysis Of HR Strategy Of Seagate Technologies - Essay Example Apart from that the company also has its relationship with potential distributors who sell their products to other small OEMs which have their operations in manufacturing and integrating systems on small scale (Seagate-website A, n.d.). The primary focus of the company remains on their core activities of research and development with emphasis on the customer relationship and quality management. The company has its well developed long and short-term plans which support its decision-making process. This indicates that the company has significant involvement of strategic approaches into its business functions and operations. The present case is the analysis of the human resource strategy and its evaluation considering the various internal and external factors of the organization. The evaluation of the case also analyzes the roles and responsibilities of organizational members towards the successful implementation of the human resource strategies of the organization. Apart from the organizational point of view, the strategies have also been assessed on the basis of the factors which are external to the organization but have the potential impact over the decision-making process and the human resource strategy of the organization. The strategic approach towards the human resource management has resulted into many positive outcomes for organizations but still, it has remained a debatable issue in terms of its applicability and effectiveness. Organizations still find it difficult to understand the co-factors which relate to the SHRM. Sometimes authors consider SHRM as a concept within itself for human resource management only while some researchers have indicated that SHRM has its relation to the organizational effectiveness.

Friday, August 9, 2019

Agricultural Development Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Agricultural Development - Assignment Example An ongoing debate about the integration of farmers' empirical knowledge in agricultural development was sought to be answered by studying soil fertility management strategies in the Jos Plateau of Nigeria. The paper of Pasquini and Alexander (2005) tried to illustrate how farmers collectively can acquire considerable and detailed knowledge, which can be supported by scientific explanations.Since time immemorial, the idea that local people could have something to contribute to development is not always considered. Some scholars and scientists often put down local, indigenous knowledge. Often, they dismiss it as 'primitive', 'unscientific' and 'wrong'. Thus, they assigned themselves of 'educating' rural people, using a top-down, transfer-of-technology approach (Okali et al. 1994; Scoones and Thompson 1994a; Sillitoe 2002). Fortunately, Pasquini and Alexander (2005) mentioned that this perspective was challenged with a populist approach that viewed indigenous technical knowledge as a va luable, untapped source, and believed that it had to be 'incorporated' into formal research extension and practices in order to make agricultural development more sustainable.In the late 1980s-early 1990s, a thorough research in the Jos Plateau, Nigeria congruently examined how the knowledge and management of soil fertility by local farmers could be integrated in the development of a viable strategy for the maintenance of soil fertility (Phillips-Howard and Kidd 1991). As a previous site of tin mining since the beginning of the twentieth century, farming systems have been agitated about 320 km2 of cultivable land, much of which was needed for food production, because of the growing population (Alexander and Kidd 2000). In 1949, a series of trials was established to find the best way of restoring the mined land to agriculture, but after three years of trials, the Mines Land Reclamation Unit declared that it was impractical and uneconomic to raise the fertility of the degraded soil to the point that it would be able to sustain traditional arable agriculture (Alexander 1996). Local farmers were unaware of this opinion and continued with their informal reclamation strategy, which proved successful in raising significantly the nutrient status of the soils (Alexander and Kidd 2000). Thus, Phillips-Howard and Kidd (1991) showed that farmers had extensive and detailed knowledge of a variety of traditional (in Hausa: takin gargajiya) and modern (takin zamani) fertilizers, being able to differentiate between them according to their perceived characteristics and usefulness. Inorganic fertilizers are 'modern' fertilizers, whereas various livestock manures and waste ash are classified as traditional fertilizers. In fact, the key to the reclamation strategy was that farmers applied a combination of inorganic fertilizers, different types of animal manure and urban waste ash (Alexander 1996). Also, urban waste ash was regarded as valuable by the farmers, and for this reason one of the conclusions Phillips-Howard and Kidd (1991) came to was that further investigation of the characteristics and supply of this material (tokan bola) (and other unfamiliar fertilizers such as egret manure--kashin balbela) would be worthwhile. Research carried out in the 2000/2001 dry farming se ason (from September through to May) aimed to provide an appreciation of the role played by urban refuse ash, while highlighting the risks attached to its use. Thus, Pasquini and Alexander (2005) have to identify

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Motivation in a Banking System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Motivation in a Banking System - Essay Example Is there any difference between the attitude and satisfaction of male and female staff or that both of the sexes are taken care of while formulating the policy for the bank. A detailed study of the employees of banks has been made covering both the quantitative and qualitative aspects of the motivation in the banking system. Anything unusual or any negative response which has come to the attention of the researcher has been very critically analyzed and carefully reviewed while making conclusions upon them. while conducting a detailed study on the motivation of employees in the banking system a lot of factors have come to the attention of the researcher that define the reason for the employees to banks to get and remain motivated at their work place. In this study a detailed study and analysis has been made of one of the most famous and leading bank in the banking industry and it has been seen tat how the motivational factors in that particular bank effect the employees of the banks and how those banks have successfully implemented those motivational factors and strategies in the their banks. What is the performance of the banks when its employees are thoroughly motivated and stress free How their basic needs and wants are taken care of. What are the reasons that they are provided with all of those facilities that have provided them with an opportunity both to excel themselves at their work place and at the same time take their organization to the level where it can be recognized as the leading banking organization in the banking industry The example which has been taken in the industry has that of the Standard Chartered Bank. A detailed study and discussion of the motivational theories applying to this banking organization has been made due to the fact that this bank has its presence in most of the countries of the world covering the countries of both developed and developing world. Therefore, it has vast culture of people working for it in different countries of the world. Standard chartered Bank has an immense amount of experience in managing those people and in motivating them so that they continue to perform better for the sake of their future and for the future of their organization. Literature Review Motivation of employees at the work place is considered to be an essential paradigm in determining the professional growth and in attaining performance development among the employees of the company. Motivation is considered to be a driving force behind the better performance and target achievement of employees in any organization. Motivation is the reason that the attitude of the employee is changed at the work place for I can't do it to I can do it because I have done it attitude. This can be achieved through various actions of the management and peers at the working place. This working paper focuses on the motivation of employees working in the banking sector and discusses how the employees of banks from managers to lower level staff are kept motivated in the big and small organizations alike for the achievement of better results for the organization. Motivation as it applies to all the organizations also applies to the

Computer Science Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Computer Science - Essay Example This original movement raised out of the hard work of a multiplicity of people who contracted with software engineering process in the 1990s, found them deficient, and looked for an innovative procedure to software development (Abrahamsson et al., 2002). The majority of the ideas were not bright; undoubtedly a lot of people thought that a great deal of successful software had been constructed that technique for an extended time. There was, though, an observation that these thoughts had been muffled and not been pleasured perilously adequate, mainly by people paying attention in software development (Ambler et al., 2007). Agile software engineering methodologies are additional humanistic and collaborative practice to software engineering it is also acknowledged as agilism, which supports individuals and associations over actions and tools, implementation software over broad documentation, client relationship in overload of agreement negotiation, and reacting to transform over followin g a plan (Ambler et al., 2007). Primarily, all agile techniques support frequent rearrangement of development objectives with the requirements and vision of the client. The evolutionary development of agile software engineering technique holds constant client collaboration to support the manufacture of a progressively developing product (Abrahamsson et al., 2002). This research is going to elaborate the agile software engineering methodologies. Here I will also investigate its basic difference from the traditional software engineering. Here my basic aim is to investigate the features those make this paradigm a vital need for the contemporary software engineering. Agile software engineering and Software Development is one response to the altering situation of the information technology region. A number of software project managers and developers acknowledged their agile procedures in corresponding. A significant date for the agile society was in